Today is my birthday. Nothing special, but it is my birthday.
I have only an everyday story to tell. Today no flight. I had got enough sleep, skipped my breakfast and lunch was the first meal of my day. I had on an ordinary dress. I didn't put on make-up. I went for a movie. I walked with jaunty steps.
I really grew up. I don't really feel like celebrating. So, no more birthday party to me. I think I will only hold a party to celebrate my success: a welcome party after buying a house, a tea party after setting up a business and a dinner party of my wedding or a retiring party, for instance.
On the birthday-day itself, we should gradually perceive that time flies and life is really a challenge. Somehow, it can be an unhappy event like undertone of regret in it? I was thinking, since the day I was given to earth, how much contribution that I have really done? And I know I am not doing it well.
I received quite a few SMSes from friends and relatives. Birthday wishes were popped up on my Facebook one after another. Obviously, FB plays the part of reminding us our friends' birthday. Well, after all, these are so sweet. Thank you to all senders!
Whole day, somebody kept me company. That's really enough for me. And, I am glad for everything. Thank you, Mr. Teo.
C.R.A.Z.Y Six Flags Magic Mountain
July, 2009
US – Los Angeles
C.R.A.Z.Y Six Flags Magic Mountain
So far, the craziest thing I’d ever done was making me, myself a point to
appear at Six...
15 years ago