
Xmas - 低调晒幸福








我应该算得上是‘行飞女王’,一个月内平均飞行时间超过八十个小时。‘行飞女王’刚从Bangkok度假回来,二十四小时之内,又得工作飞往Perth。久违不见的Darrian刚巧也在同一班机,这回有机会好好地坐下来catch up catch up 了。发现澳洲到处都能找得到coffee house。即使一杯咖啡的价钱不凡,还是有肯闲下来坐着边看书,边喝咖啡的人。可见‘ang moh’多懂得享受生活啊!

女王刚下机不久。好久没有pax back 了 (不用工作,却享受乘客的待遇)。这次还是A330-300客机哦! Perth to Singapore, flight time 五个小时。由于Perth 跟 Singapore 没有时差,女王也不需要调整自己的body clock。上机以前,女王在舒服的酒店,早有足够的睡眠。所以这回女王没有把握时间在机上睡着,反而把时间献给了IFA (InFlight Entertainment)。观赏了好几部电影哦!

(i) The Ugly Truth (Darrian 与友人大力推荐)

(ii) 西游记之月光宝盒 A Chinese Odyssey: Part 1- Pandora's Box

(iii) 天水围的夜与雾 Night and Fog (Simon Yam任达华主演)

(iv) 鲁豫有约- 林忆莲 (我们的忆莲时代- Sandy Lam, Our Beloved Diva)

看吧!SQ永远提供the world's most powerful and advanced inflight entertainment system!一分钱,必然是一分货。



工作关系,今年离家第三年,搬迁无数次,地址改了又改。好不容易,找到落脚的地方。生活还算习惯。肯定的是,我在这里得到了世上最好的照料!很幸福,我很感激=)希望我不用再搬家,搬也只搬去自己的房子,自己买的房子。其实每一次的搬家,没有一次好玩。也因为多次的搬迁,有很多很多所谓的杂物都被我狠狠的 ‘寄放’ 在JB。东西堆积如山。我也没好好的去整理一番。从衣服,鞋子到书本,我有整理不完的任务,你说可怕不可怕?我没有大大的衣柜,也没有大大的鞋架,更没有大大的书橱!就算有,房子也恐怕摆不下。一直无法好好抽空回JB。每次的来回实在太匆忙,最多也只能逗留两个晚上。感谢家人,在我繁琐的工作和生活中,一次又一次宽容我那过份无理的失误与差错。始终,他们在我努力拼搏的背后,无意中给了我一个 ‘放肆’ 之所。这就是天地间无与伦比的幸运。事到如今,他们依然等着我回家收拾整理。我也不晓得何时才能出发。。。




Who doesn't like LV ?

fall 2009 : LV Siri Tollerød (MARILYN)

Most of us are so inspired by Louis Vuitton's handbags. Only celebrities will go into its fashion. The LV pink silk dress caught my attention! New season is coming! That's mean for those who really cares about fashion, it's time to pilfer the catwalk shots of all brands and figure out what to dug up in the wardrobe!

Lin Chiling

Louis Vuitton set up shop at ION Orchard in July 2009. It is also an icon on ION. Taiwanese supermodel Lin Chiling was invited for the ribbon cutting ceremony at the ION Orchard store. And, she was wearing the lovely pink dress that I like! An expected good contrast from her telling us how a dash of personality makes all the difference! The original supermodel!



女人可真不能太聪明,但更不能太笨。爱情甜甜蜜蜜两人爱的你死我活的当儿,还得要有自己的生活圈子。张小娴的一句话,我觉得很有道理,“想把一个男人留在身边,就要让他知道,你随时可以离开他”。听起来,女人似乎在吊起来卖!但,人性不就是这样的吗?人是要等到失去了才懂得珍惜。女人被爱情冲昏了头,就会犯下极大的错误,就是让身边的那个他当作手心里的宝,就像蔡依林的一首歌 -- 妥协,里面有句“所有时间都是先给了你优先权...”,女人就只会全心全意只想让他好;但我们往往忽略男人其实更想当个猎人,他们喜欢征服。于是,沉溺于被征服的笨女人,就只好等着被嫌弃的一天。所以,聪明的女人要懂得如何打点自己的生活,不会只围着一个男人团团转。


When Smiley Me Not Smilling

A gentleman had known me for about an hour. When he was in a conversation with another person, I didn't manage to acknowledge his presence, I didn't recognized him even by a smile at a time. Discreetly, this gentleman came across to tell me, that I was very arrogant and this reflected my bad manners. I knew that I had already created him a very unpleasant impression of myself. At the same time, I believed that I was not being rude to him, and never to anybody at all. I think so; in fact, I am quite sure. He just disagreed with the way how I carried myself.
This could only be a minor misunderstanding, thus. I didn't talk much. I found it frustrating that I couldn't make myself clear to a person who doesn't know me well. And I was rather displeased as I was told in the way that I didn't know my basic manners. It seemed that I was immature enough to know myself better, and I was dejected to learn that this person didn't treat me as an adult. In a second, I took a mournful view of human affairs. I didn't feel like getting to the heart of the problem. Hope against hope, I could have a better tomorrow.


Short Hair is Cool

Thinking to have a new hair-do! Anyway I have already been wearing my hair in a bob for so many years. I love Penny's hair bobbed! Huh! I am afraid I just couldn't afford this hair style! And, she carries it well! Great job!


From Vine to Wine

真是非常忙的一天。白天上了一堂美酒课,from vine to wine。想忙里偷闲,但又必上的一堂课。充实的让我发现可学的东西,无止境。课堂上,老师念了不少法文词语,还沿着独具的vintage讲到最后不如大家亲身试验,拿起酒杯细细品尝再说。老师对美酒的百般迷恋成功的让我们走入古老的法国酒窖,好一个时空穿越之旅。我想,酒,我开始懂一点点了。无论如何,我想,真正懂得品尝美酒的人,想必生活品质必有一定的水准。比如来到高级餐厅,懂得点菜,懂得礼仪,知道什么样的一杯酒适合怎么样的一道主菜,这个人很摩登,很优雅。



今天一整天都在JB,回家感觉好好。Off days都在新加坡混!哈哈!约了Bonnie宝贝吃午餐,她明天就要拍结婚专辑了。恭喜恭喜!她就一副春风满面,容光焕发。跟老公kiss goodbye后,漂亮的摇摇摆摆上我车。看得我都觉得肉麻。我想谈恋爱的感觉真的好好。加上她快结婚啦!

暂时还无法确定能否出席她的婚礼,好懊恼。一个下午,两位宝贝东南西北一直讲一直讲,我还出动我的laptop,来了一段我last Bali trip 的照片分享。三八婆,好好笑。




Unfair Fairy Tale

Weather is bad;

Feeling is sad;

Mind is in a mess.

Looking at the gap;

Almost there is a break;

What else I could say...

Nothing I shall pray;

Yet, all is to accept?

Life is so unfair!


Shopping at Houston, TX

在美国,除了吃,就是血拼!只看美国牌子的衣服和包包!很想买个COACH!但是会想很久。到Abercrombie & Fitch 和 Hollister 狂扫便宜货!以上就是第一天的战利品,暂时还不知道第二天会有哪些收获。。。


First Case of Swine Flu in Singapore

SINGAPORE (AFP) – A 22-year-old Singaporean woman who returned from New York has tested positive for swine flu, in the city-state's first confirmed case, the Ministry of Health said.

"Singapore has confirmed its first case of influenza A(H1N1)," the ministry said in a statement.

It said the patient was being treated at a communicable disease centre and was in a stable condition.

The woman was in New York from May 14-24, returning on a Singapore Airlines flight on Tuesday, during which she developed a cough.

The ministry said all her "close contacts" will be quarantined and provided with antiviral medication.


May Days in Singapore

I am still renting a place to stay in Singapore. But I hardly stay there. I almost make my every trip back and forth between JB and Sg. It was tired, yet I’m getting used to it. This month, there was too much work for me to cope with in Sg. So, I could say, May is the month I’ve achieved the maximum days of staying in Sg so far after I shifted to this new place.

Anyway, I tried to make my stay and my time fully occupied with my friends and movies.

with Darrian at Compass Point, and my belated birthday present from him

a meal with Alan at Bugis, *beyond description

Not to forget, i did meet up with Mini Jason for a quick lunch, Jia Xiang for a quick dinner and Beliao few days after.

(no photo taken)

Thank you for the time. Thank you for making my days in Singapore simply awesome!