
First Case of Swine Flu in Singapore

SINGAPORE (AFP) – A 22-year-old Singaporean woman who returned from New York has tested positive for swine flu, in the city-state's first confirmed case, the Ministry of Health said.

"Singapore has confirmed its first case of influenza A(H1N1)," the ministry said in a statement.

It said the patient was being treated at a communicable disease centre and was in a stable condition.

The woman was in New York from May 14-24, returning on a Singapore Airlines flight on Tuesday, during which she developed a cough.

The ministry said all her "close contacts" will be quarantined and provided with antiviral medication.


May Days in Singapore

I am still renting a place to stay in Singapore. But I hardly stay there. I almost make my every trip back and forth between JB and Sg. It was tired, yet I’m getting used to it. This month, there was too much work for me to cope with in Sg. So, I could say, May is the month I’ve achieved the maximum days of staying in Sg so far after I shifted to this new place.

Anyway, I tried to make my stay and my time fully occupied with my friends and movies.

with Darrian at Compass Point, and my belated birthday present from him

a meal with Alan at Bugis, *beyond description

Not to forget, i did meet up with Mini Jason for a quick lunch, Jia Xiang for a quick dinner and Beliao few days after.

(no photo taken)

Thank you for the time. Thank you for making my days in Singapore simply awesome!



今天跟一位老友在MSN 线上聊了很久。得知老友感情路上出了很大很大的问题, 自己却帮不上什么忙,感觉很无奈。老友很烦,但又真的如此坚强。佩服佩服!老友告诉我,万一有一天我们俩真的嫁不出去,就住在一起,两人一起去旅行。说到好像在做梦,但听了还蛮温馨可爱!不可能会希望真的成真,因为期待看到自己跟老友能嫁的好,成立属于自己的家庭。但想想,这只是我跟老友的back up! 哎!咱们还是多努力努力,继续hunting去!


Happy Mom's Day

Parents just can't stop worrying their children. And to my mom, she has been giving me complete freedom to do as i wished. She doesn't have a black list of don'ts to me. Whatever i do, she is there solidly with me to help me. Her selfless devotion to this family is a great quality in her that made me admire her most. On this special day, she did not want anything but just a very simple meal. I felt guilty.


Flight Attendant Girlfriend Anybody?

I clicked this accidentally and found it interesting to share with

– “If your girlfriend is a Flight Attendant(translated)

1. Do her elegant manners impress you? She may have pleasant disposition onboard. But after the flight, she is just an ordinary person. Be tolerate how awful she could be after work. After all, she is not far above the ordinary.

2. You have to be attentive enough to her because she must be very tired after a-long-walk-day. What is more, she needs to face various kind of passengers, of all shapes and colours! So, you must show every consideration to her. Be appreciate how busy she could be!

3. Trust her! You have to trust her sociability! Her friendly attitude not only has to be presented at work but after work as well. She might be very close to her colleagues at outstation. Show her support and ignore the scandal spread.

4. Master a technique of body and foot massage! It’s never easy to stand and walk for the whole day. After taking a shower, you should give her a relaxing massage, turn off the light and allow her to sleep comfortably!

5. You have to endure getting lonesome, suffer the loneliness yourself when she is not around. Be well-prepared as you might need to do everything for her.

6. Giving her the best! A handsome income will be appreciable. Because she might lose her job one day. Plus, this is not a long-range career!

7. Do learn to appreciate everything in her. Don’t ever think to turn your gaze to any other girls. As you would hurt her and offend many other people unwittingly. Who knows?

8. So, there are many things that you need to learn to be a flight attendant’s boyfriend! And, you might feel that the statement here contained several inaccuracies. No matter how, do show your patience, understanding, sincerity… Never easy!